Connection to database could not be established: SQLSTATEHY000 1045 Access denied for user 'myapp'@'localhost' (using password: YES) How to fix warning: mysqlinumrows expects parameter 1 to be mysqliresult, boolean given in C: xampp htdocs view.php on line 51.

I’ve been trying to create a new database connection on workbench. However, every time I test a connection there is an error message that says

Failed to connect to mysql at with user root access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost'(using password:YES)

I don’t know what’s the cause of this error. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing my workbench 6.1 and mysql server 5.6 but the error is still unsolved.


First check if it’s a workbench or connection problem.

1) In your windows run ‘cmd’ to open a terminal

Try both

2a) mysql -u root -p -h -P 3306

2b) mysql -u root -p -h > localhost -P 3306

3) If the connection is good you will get a password prompt, see if you can connect with correct password.

If your connection is denied, just grant the permission

If your connection is accepted here, it’s like a workbench configuration problem.


no idea how this happened, but i had the same problem. I had to reset my root password:

But after my databases that i had previously were either dropped or the new connection did not connect to them. Either way i couldn’t access them via workbench. But i could use MySQL again, which was a win for me


You should install the mysql server which hosts in your localhost. Then install the workbench. Still if you are getting the error GOTO:

(In MAC:)

System preferences>Mysql(Will be listed at the bottom,else server is not installed in your machine).

Check server status and start the Mysql server.

Try connecting to localhost with default port number.


i just encountered this problem now and with some tries i figured out that visiting services >> select MySQLxx service , then right click and hit start , that solved my problem and everything is working without the need to loss data,
Just for those who will come here to this question topic .


Try this,

I hope this will help You

  1. Uninstalled everything including installer from it’s own uninstall option.
  2. Un-installed all the programs that were in any way related to mysql
  3. Deleted the mysql folder from C:Program Files
  4. Deleted the mysql folder from C:ProgramData
  5. Cleared my registry and then re-installed the program, but all in vain.

How to repeat:
Here is what I did:

  1. Installed it with mysql-installer-web-community-
  2. For my purposes I selected “Custom” install with MySQL servers 5.6.22 – X64 and MySQL Connectors -> Connector ODBC/5.3.4 – 64
  3. Next -> Execute -(ready to configure) -> Next
  4. Config type: Development machine, all defaults (TCP/IP, Port: 3306, Open firewall)
  5. Typed in MySQL Root Password
  6. MySQL user Accounts -> Add user (username, password, OK) -> Next
  7. Configure MySQL Server as a Windows Service (CHECKED)
  8. Windows Service Name: MySQL56 (default)
  9. Start the MySQL Serve at System Startup
  10. THIS IS CRUCIAL (BUG IS HERE): Run Service as… Standard System Account (CHECKED – but it will be disregarded and that is BUG)
  11. Next -> Execute, Installation hangs on Starting server, so wait for a while to time out (or don’t, your choice). When Dialog (might be covered with other windows) popup with message “Configuration of MySQL Server is taking longer than expected…, here click OK (so to wait longer)

Suggested fix:
12. Meanwhile go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> find MySQL56, right click on it -> Properties -> select Log On Tab AND HERE IS BUG -> Although Local System Account was selected, Somehow “This account: Network Service (with some password) was selected -> Select Log on as: Local System Account, Allow service to interact with desktop -> Apply -> Go back on general tab

  1. On general tab click on “Start” button to start service and here it is! Service is started! Click on OK to close MySQL56 Properties dialog. Close Services dialog. Close Administrative tools. Close control panel.

  2. And by that time (while you were closing those dialogs) when you look at MySQl Installer Dialog all steps are finished and checked: Starting Server, Applying security… Creating user accounts. Updating Start menu link

  3. Confirm with Finish -> Next -> Finish
    That’s it, happy MySQL-ing 🙂



I had the same problem.
I’ve installed fresh mysql at Ubuntu but I left mysql password empty, and as a result I couldn’t connect to mysql in any way.
Lately I’ve revealed that there is a table of users where are names, hosts, passwords and some plugins. So for my user [email protected] mysql while installing assigned a plugin called auth_socket, which let Unix user “root” log in as a mysql user “root” without password, but don’t allow login as another Unix user. So to fix that you should turn off this plugin and set usual authentication:

  1. open Linux terminal
  2. enter “sudo mysql
    you will see “mysql >” which means you’ve connected to mysql as a ‘root’ Unix user and you can type SQL queries.
  3. enter SQL query to change a way how you will log in:
    ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘your_new_password’;
    where ‘mysql_native_password’ means – to turn off auth_socket plugin.

I know this is old but I have come across this issue as well but found a fix for this that worked for me:

Simply plug in the DUB-1312 USB 3.0 Gigabit to Ethernet Adapter to your computer’s USB 3.0 port and it will be installed and ready in a matter of seconds. The drivers are installed automatically, there is no need to install additional programs or fiddle around with your computer settings. D-link usb ethernet adapter dub-e100 driver.

  1. go to “Services”
  2. under “Name” find your username
  3. right click and select “Start”

Go to your MySQL workbench and select “Startup / Shutdown” under “INSTANCE” and you should be good to go. Hope this helps anyone that comes across this.


Here was my solution:

  • press Ctrl + Alt + Del
  • Task Manager
  • Select the Services Tab
  • Under name, right click on “MySql” and select Start

Tags: mysql, sql


Most MySQL users encountered the ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’. This error message usually appears for new installations of MySQL when you try to connect to MySQL with the root user.

This guide will show you how to quickly resolve the access denied for user root on localhost. The outlined instructions apply to both MySQL and MariaDB. There will be no need to modify any tables or to perform complex configuration.

  • Access to a command line or terminal window
  • MySQL or MariaDB installed
  • User with sudo or root privileges

When you install MySQL and try to access it on the local machine with the root user, the command you use is:

In most cases, you will receive the error message Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’.

You can enable access for root using one MySQL command.

To be able to log into MySQL as root, first use sudo to modify the root user:

Enter your password at the prompt. A MySQL shell loads.

Use the ALTER USERcommand and change the authentication method to log into MySQL as root:

This command changes the password for the user root and sets the authentication method tomysql_native_password. This is a traditional method for authentication, and it is not as secure as auth_plugin. In the example above, we set “root” as the password, but we encourage you to set a stronger password.

After you run the commands listed above, exit the MySQL shell by pressing CTRL + D on your keyboard or type exit; and hit enter. There is no need to restart the mysqld service to log in.

Now try again to access MySQL with root. In the terminal, type in:

Enter the password you used with the ALTER USER command. Do not type in the system password to access MySQL as it will not work. If everything worked fine, you should see the MySQL welcome message.

NOTE: The ALTER USER command may not work for MySQL and MariaDB versions older than 5.7.6 and 10.1.20 respectively.



How to change comment color in Word document?Have you ever tried to change color of the comment balloons or comment text contents in a Word document? In the Track Change Options dialog box, click Advanced Options button, see screenshot:3. Click Review Change Tracking Options launcher, see screenshot:2. This article, I will talk about some method for dealing with this task in Word file.Change the color of the comment balloons with Change Tracking Options featureThe Change Tracking Options feature can help you to change the comment balloons color as you need, please do as this:1. Word for mac 注釈 編集.

Now you know how to bypass the MySQL ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’.

There are different ways to approach this issue, but we selected the easiest and fastest method. Make sure to enter the commands as listed in the article to avoid errors in SQL syntax.

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