• Once unetbootin is installed, insert your flash drive and start unetbootin (such a weird name..)
  • Select the flash drive fro the combo box at the bottom, in Linux it's usually /dev/sdd1 for me.
  • Select the distribution FreeDos1.0
  • Click OK.
  • After unetbotin does its thing, it will ask you to reboot. DON'T YET.
  • Move the contents of EN011IMS.10G onto the flash drive.
  • If the machine you are using unetbootin is the MSI Wind that you're going to put Mac OS X 10.6.8 on, then reboot, otherwise don't and take the flash drive out.

Mar 25, 2014  So in this video i am going to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 with all it's hardware, kexts and drivers working, including WiFi, Graphics, Bootloader, Touchpad, Keyboard and more.

4. Reflash your BIOS.
  • Stick the flash drive in the MSI Wind and (after being a good little boy scout and backing up any data you need), boot it up.
  • After a bunch of hooplah, you will come to a menu, make sure you select option 2, the FREEDOS Safe mode (Don't load any drivers).
  • Let it do it's thing.
Under NO CIRCUSTANCES are you to stop the reflashing process once you have started it. If you do, you will seriously damage your system. I'm not even close to kidding.
Congratulations, you have reflashed your BIOS. Grab a steak and feel manly.
STEP 2 - Installing 10.6.2
  • Grab your Hazard 10.6.2 DVD, and put it into your external DVD/CD drive.
  • Once you get a screen that gives you options, click on the top bar and select Disk Utility from the menu.
  • Partition your drive to have a MAC OS X journaled, case sensitive partition.
  • Let it do its thing.
  • Go forward in the process until you come to a screen that gives you a button in the lower left corner that reads, 'Customize'. Click said button.
  • Choose the following;
  • 10.6.2 update
  • the 2nd Chameleon bootloader
  • Intel Atom kernel
  • don't mess with anything else..

Install.. Take your girlfriend out for another dinner.. Seriously..

STEP 3 - Post install

  • With the hazard disk still in the drive, reboot the computer and hit F8 when prompted for boot options.
  • Type '-s' and hit enter.
  • Let it do it's thing. You should end up with a prompt. You are now in what's called single user mode.


  • Enter in the following commands;
mount -w -t hfs /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes
mount -uw /Volumes
cd /Volumes/System/Library/Extensions
rm -rf AppleIntel*
rm -rf Sleepenabler.kext
cd .
rm -rf Caches
Installer Mac Os X Sur Un NetbookExplanations:
mount -w -t hfs /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes
(Mounts the installation partition to a directory called 'Volumes' in the root of the DVD.)
mount -uw /Volumes
(Grants you write privileges to the directory '/Volumes')
cd /Volumes/System/Library/Extensions
(Changes current working directory to '/Volumes/System/Library/Extensions')
rm -rf AppleIntel*
(Deletes all kexts that start with 'AppleIntel')
rm -rf Sleepenabler.kext
(Deletes Sleepenabler.kext, if you don't do this you may get a kernel panic, if you do, just repeat the process of booting into single user mode, and delete the kext)
cd .
(Moves one directory backwards, so your working directory should be '/Volumes/System/Library')
rm -rf Caches
Installer(Deletes the 'Caches' directory.)
(Um, it .. reboots your system..)
Once you reboot, you should have a working system. Type in all the information that you wish (except user account, that's kind of mandatory, I never register or fill out the registration info.)
Step 4 - Updating to 10.6.8
Nifty, huh? Well, stop admiring the desktop and get back to work.
  • Transfer the 10.6.8 Combo update, the legacy kernel, VoodooHDA and the IntelGMA950 kexts to the desktop. (You have a flash drive remember?)
  • Extract the legacy kernel to the desktop, a double click is all it takes.
  • Install the 10.6.8 combo update. WARNING: If you try to install the update package and get 'An unknown error', hit ALT - L and take a look at the Installer Log. if it says something to the effect of 'security certificate not valid', you need to move the date back. Right click on the date at the top-right of the screen, just subtract a year, and hit save. Seriously. It should install now. This had me stumped for 2 days.. Be warned..
  • When the update finishes, it will tell you to reboot. IGNORE IT FOR A MINUTE!
  • Open up a terminal. (Applications > Utilities) and type in the following commands;
cd Desktop
sudo mv legacy_kernel-10.6.8 /mach_kernel
  • Upon doing this you will be asked for the password you entered when you created your user account. If prompted for a yes or no, type 'y' and hit enter. With these commands you have navigated to the Desktop, and moved the kernel to the root folder, overwriting the old one.
  • Reboot.

Step 5 - Graphics, Sound and Cleanup..

If you get a kernel panic when you reboot, DON'T PANIC! it is most likely because of the reinstallation of the Sleepenabler.kext. (Remember that pesky little thing?) If you get a line within the kernel panic screen that says something to the effect of pk.triaxis.Sleepenabler.kext, this is what happened. Enter in single user mode again, navigate to the /Volumes/System/Library/Extensions folder and remove it using the commands in Step 3. Remember to delete the Caches folder as well, you 'll get the same error of you don't.

So relax, Sparky. Calm down, and have some dip.

By this point you will only get 800x600 screen resolution. We're going to fix that, unless you like blocky graphics. I'm sure that would say something about your lineage, but I digress..
Kandu software corp bezarc for mac.

  • Extract the IntelGMA950 archive and navigate to the Kexts, folder.
  • Click on the top bar and Click, 'Go > Computer'.
  • Navigate to System/Library/Extensions folder.
  • Drag the following files from the Kexts folder into the System/Library/Extensions folder.
  • You will be given a warning with a button that says, 'Authenticate'. Click this and enter your password.
  • Go back to the IntelGMA950 kexts folder and navigate to the Utility folder, and click on the Kext Utility. You will be prompted for your password again.
  • Let it do it's thing.

Now, before we reboot, if you have audio issues (namely that you don't have any), install the VoodooHDA package we put on the desktop. You might not have audio issues, but we downloaded the package just in case. The first time I did this, I had no sound. The second time, I didn't need it. Oh well, it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

  • Reboot.
  • If you get any kernel panics upon reboot, (you shouldn't, but if you do) use the directions in step 3 to remedy them.
  • Once you get to the desktop again, you should be running at 1024x600 screen resolution, which look SO MUCH better. If not, reboot one more time.
  • If you get to the Desktop and it's still not at 1024x600, then open a terminal again and enter the following commands;

cd /System/Library/Extensions

sudo rm -rf AppleIntel*

cd .

sudo rm -rf Caches

  • Enter your password when prompted, then repeat step 5.

Congratulations, you (should) now have a working MSI Wind u100 netbook running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

Any questions or comments, shoot me an email at: theoneandtruebane@gmail.com.


NetbookInstaller is a utility used on netbooks already running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. It is used to apply the latest machine patches to your netbook. These might include kernel extensions (such as drivers), DSDT patches, or just OS X configuration settings. NetbookInstaller? is also used to prepare a USB drive so that it can be used to install Mac OS X Snow leopard on machines, specifically netbooks, that are unsupported by Apple

Garmin raster charts. Now you can access data from your OpenBase database using Microsoft Excel and FileMaker Pro. Allows you to transfer waypoints, tracks, and routes between your Mac and Garmin device and manage your data using your Garmin maps. With the Actual ODBC Driver for OpenBase, you can connect quickly and easily to your database. DR-2010M TWAIN Driver 1.

This project is no longer maintained. I don't have the time to do so and have moved on to other things.

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